

As an ALOHA supporter, there are over 2,000 great stores (like Walmart, and Chewy, and Expedia) that can help you make a difference for ALOHA.

Since 1997, iGive has made it easy for our supporters to help.  Tools like the iGive Button and mobile apps ensure that you are able to support Adult Loss of Hearing Association (ALOHA) with every online purchase.

Peer Discussion Groups

Our discussion groups are available with closed-captioned through Zoom. All meetings are held in Arizona time (MST). If you would like an invitation to any meetings listed on our website calendar please email us at [email protected].

ALOHA – Adult Loss of Hearing Association

4001 E. Fort Lowell Road
Tucson, Arizona 85712
(520) 795-9887
[email protected] email
www.alohaaz.org website

Millions for Tucson Raffle